
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Favorite Finds Friday: Soy Free Creamer

Hey everyone!

Here we are in our second week of Favorite Finds Friday, and boy do I have a product for you.

I am not a coffee fan. I normally do not drink it. I would much rather have an iced tea, even in cold weather. The only way I would drink it is if it had a ton of Splenda and creamer. A year ago when I changed my habits and went healthy I looked up my favorite creamer and discovered it was basically a conglomeration of oils and artificial flavorings. Yuck. I never wanted to put that back in my body.

My family uses rice milk, but I hate the grittiness at the bottom of the cup. Not to mention it doesn't even taste the same.

Well, during a recent trip to Clark's I discovered this!

So Delicious Coconut Creamer. This stuff tastes amazing! It tastes like Coffee Mate creamer, plus all the ingredients are completely natural. I love it.

Bonus: It only has 10 calories a tablespoon.

I can't wait to try the other soy-free products So Delicious offers.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited! Can't wait to try that- I love my coffee, and especially my creamer. Hopefully this will be my next healthy alternative

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