
Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's a Dirty Job.

I like to start my posts as if I am talking to my closest friends.
This is unfortunate for you the reader, because I don't have any close friends.
So . . you'll just have to suck it up.

Just kidding.

I'm pretty sure I am the only person - on the planet - who can sit down to a beautiful meal . . . while watching and especially disgusting episode of Dirty Jobs on the discovery channel.

I love this show! It is so interesting and gross at the same time. Where else could you see a cow being artificially inseminated with fancy sperm at a dairy farm? No where, I tell you.
My family finds this disgusting. They can't even walk through the room when I'm watching it. Who else loves this show?
There's no recipe today just my general observation on dining/television etiquette.

Come to think of it Gluten Free cooking is kind of a Dirty Job. Interesting thought.

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